Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Afternoon

It is now 1:30 and so far Sunday has been a very good day. After our short walk yesterday the pain set in. From 3:00 to about 11:00 last night her pain was extremely difficult to bare. Pain management is now dealing with needing to balance her epidural meds with the increasing loss of meds from surgery. We increased the dosage around 8:00 last night and by 11:00 she was setteled in. Today the meds must be working. She just finished anohter short walk and Teresa was able to brush her hair and have her bed cleaned. No pain so far. She asked that I keep everyone updated as she does not want the prayers to stop comming in. Please pray for comfort and healing. Thank You. Todd. 


  1. THANK YOU for keeping this blog updated. I have read all the entries but didn't have time to comment until now. You all are an amazing family and wonderful witness to our Lord! I am praying for your family and especially Tracey. Also, praising God for the wonderful report after surgery!

  2. Thank you so much for keep us updated. Prayers are continuously going up for all of you.

  3. Todd, please assure her that we are still praying and cheering her on.....TEAM TRACEY!!
